The Assembly convened at 10 a.m. under the chair of Dr. Mario Costa of Rome.
Dr. Werner Nussbaumer of Switzerland spoke first by outlining what had been achieved by the ISDE Promotion Group and by explaining the reasons for deciding to create an International Society of Doctors for the Environment.
He presented the program for 1991 which included, in addition to a promotional campaign to form national associations of doctors for the environment throughout the world, a convention to be held in Innsbruck, Austria, in spring 1991, on the issue of Alpine traffic and health.
Dr. Roberto Romizi followed by explaining how the scientific office of Arezzo (Italy) would function within the framework of ISDE and by giving an outline of activities for 1991 including a draft of the first issue of the ISDE Bulletin and a strategy for North-South Cooperation. He justified the choice of location in Arezzo on the grounds that the Region of South Tuscany was cited at an international level as being a model of sustainable development.
In the absence of Austrian colleagues from the "Aerzte fur Gesunde Umwelt" who sent an official apology for not being able to take part in the constituent assembly, representatives of various national associations of doctors for the environment spoke next. They conveyed best wishes from their colleagues and their decision to take part in ISDE. They also gave reports on their local activities.
The Vice-president of the Italian Association of Doctors for the Environment (AIMPA) Dr. Mario Costa represented Italy. Representing Switzerland was Dr. Ruth Gonseth, president of the Swiss Doctors for the Environment. Dr. Kaus-Uwe Kröker represented Germany on behalf of the Oekologischer Aerztebund.
Dr. Karl-Henrik Robčrt brought greetings from Sweden and confirmed that a Swedish association was on the point of being formed.
After these preliminaries, the statutes were examined and, after wide-ranging discussion on a number of clauses, they were unanimously accepted.
Nominations were then called for and the following were elected for the next 4 years: Doctors W. Nussbaumer (Switzerland), R. Gonseth (Switzerland), Liselotte Pohlit (Germany), K-U. Kröker (Germany), C. Kessner (Germany), R. Romizi (Italy), A. Serra Boccara (Italy), A. Kupfer, K-H. Robčrt (Sweden), M. Costa (Italy). The following were also nominated even though absent: Doctors O. Aleinikova (CIS), D. Menkes (New Zealand), L. Bon de Brouwer (France), K. Rhomberg (Austria), H. Buchele (Austria). Dr. Werner Nussbaumer of Gravesano (Switzerland) was elected President, to take in charge of head office in Lugano, Switzerland, and Dr. Roberto Romizi of Arezzo, Italy, Co-president, to be in charge of the scientific office in Arezzo. Both positions are held for 4 years. The assembly concluded at 1:30 p.m.
Mario Costa - President of the Constituent Assembly
Cortona, Italy, 25 November 1990